Daddy please save me..I don't wanna die...!
The screams of my daughter took me eighteen years back. My business had just started growing likewise, yielding a better life for me and my family. We could afford two cars and a chauffeur. Now the story is not about our prosperity or the benefits of abolition of license raj or the open economy policy of the then Congress government. This story is about our driver Ramesh or Rameshji which i respectfully called him as he happened to be some years older to me.
'Saabji! choti baby reminds me of my Gudiya back home. She is also of the same age', he used to reply in his chaste Luckhnowi whenever i warned him against feeding too many chocolates to my five year old daughter. I also have a son who is three years older to my daughter.
It was in the winter of 94 when the bonding of my daughter and my driver grew. He used to pick and drop her daily from school and on evenings he would escort her to the locality park. Soon, they became such good friends that she stopped playing with other kids. He would give her swings, play 'catch me if you can' with her, run around the park and tickle her to make her laugh. He even used to bring 'gajar ka halwa' for her which he himself made from his chawl room in a village in the vicinity of the city.
Their bonding went on for months until my wife started disliking this sheer closeness of our daughter with a driver! The possessive mother's envy would soon hit hard on their relations.
One fine day Rameshji came up to me and asked leave for some days.
'Saabji! Gudiya is very ill'. My wife has sent me this telegram. I need to rush immediately.
Just as i was about to nod my head in approval, my wife came in from nowhere and remarked, ' How can you go now?', 'Have you forgotten that you have to drop me to my parent's place?'
'But! Memsahibji in that case i will miss the train and by bus it will take far too long to reach my village'.
My wife frowned, 'Rameshji! don't take undue advantage of our treatment of you as our family member!'. Finish your work and then you can leave!
I looked at Rameshji's face. A gloom had descended on it.
I wish i had reprimanded my wife for such a rude behaviour but i just felt that maybe Rameshji's innocence would melt my wife's negativity towards him. Hence, i chose to remain a mute spectator.
'It was the biggest mistake of my life as a father, as a husband and most importantly as a human!'
Within days after he left for home, i got the news of his daughter's demise from his colleague of the same village. I went into a state of shock and guilt knowing that she died before he could reach her. My wife gave snobby sympathies as if someone had died of a natural calamity! Somewhere deep inside i knew that we were responsible for it and someday we might have to pay the price for it.
After some weeks Rameshji returned but only to say goodbye to my daughter. She would not let go of him until her mom slapped her and pulled her away from him.The last words I heard from Rameshji were,
'Saabji! i will miss choti baby!'
Today my twenty three year old daughter was discharged from the rehabilitation centre after suffering from hallucinations and physical weakness due to drug abuse. Bad company of some of her college-mates led her to this condition. Had my wife concentrated more on our daughter and less on her kitty parties and ladies evenings, all this could have been averted. Now my wife prays daily and we even went to many temples and shrines for the recovery of our daughter but nothing improved. Our daughters condition has worsened with each passing day. It was only when a renowned sage asked my wife to remember a sin she committed in the past which resulted in a girlchild's death, that she realised her mistake and pleaded for repentance. But, was it too late?
'We tried to trace Rameshji in entire Lucknow and almost half of Uttar Pradesh but there was no sign of him or his family anywhere!'
What we sow, we will reap one day and it doesn't matter who or what we are because in the eyes of god every human is equal and that in his court the final judgement is made!
'We took eighteen years to realise, i hope after reading this you will learn sooner!'
Author of the books Desire to Perdition and Karma never dies. A young writer interested in writing stories and articles based on the youth. Also available on Amazon, Facebook & Twitter.
Friday, 25 May 2012
A Father's story - 'you reap what you sow !'

Saturday, 19 May 2012
No Matter! Where you are...
Whenever Darkness surrounds the sky
Or if it falls with all its might
You will feel safe with me
No matter where you are..
Whenever the sun is up on you
And it gets hotter each day
I will be your shade
No Matter where you are..
Whenever you are in the crowd
And you seem to lose your way
I will lead you to your place
No matter where you are..
Whenever you are all alone
All you need is someone to hold you
You will find my hand in yours
No matter where you are..
Whenever there is no moon
And the night doesn't seem to end
I will be your shining star
No matter where you are..
If someday I lose my life
And you could see me no more
Close your eyes and you will find
No matter where you are..
No matter where you are...
Or if it falls with all its might
You will feel safe with me
No matter where you are..
Whenever the sun is up on you
And it gets hotter each day
I will be your shade
No Matter where you are..
Whenever you are in the crowd
And you seem to lose your way
I will lead you to your place
No matter where you are..
Whenever you are all alone
All you need is someone to hold you
You will find my hand in yours
No matter where you are..
Whenever there is no moon
And the night doesn't seem to end
I will be your shining star
No matter where you are..
If someday I lose my life
And you could see me no more
Close your eyes and you will find
No matter where you are..
No matter where you are...

Sunday, 6 May 2012
Dear Friends
The recent Supreme Court verdict for private schools on the implementation of 25% seats for EWS(Economically Weaker Sections) of the society was a welcome move even though it carried with itself a 'better late than never!' tag. This was an impending need for millions of children in our country crying for a better education system in order to be at par with the minority of 'over-privileged' children studying in so called 'Branded Schools'.
A land where IIT's, IIM's, AIIMS and end number of Engineering, Medical and Management private and public institutes are funded and promoted by the bigwigs and the political leaders of our country whereas small primary schools and Anganwadi's situated in suburbs, villages and slums are neglected and alienated. Most of these schools have been struggling to survive with the help of NGO's and some volunteering Samaritans.
Every year the national budget allocates grants and plans for these institutions but most of it never reaches them. It gets usurped by the 'blood sucking succubuses' in our system. I have heard and witnessed public employees misusing funds provided by the state. I had a friend, the mother of whom happened to be a teacher at a government school. She used to carry home 'atta' and 'dal' (wheat and pulses) which infact was provided by the government under the 'mid-day meal' scheme for poor schoolkids. The infringement of National Food Scheme under the Public Distribution System for providing subsidized food for EWS and Below Poverty Line families was another instance of the Nation's failure in controlling poverty. Also, equally gory examples of Red Tapism, Nepotism, Bribery and Corruption as a whole are the imprints that we are planting on the future of our country.
"Recent survey claimed that over 500 million children below the age of five are malnourished in our country!"
'What will you expect from impoverished, underprivileged and malnourished children of our country?'
To become a frustrated culpable youth when they grow up!?!
'Corruption and other ill factors hampering our growth cannot be eradicated in a single day or one movement'
It requires consistent endeavors and efforts to promote values and the light of proper education in the minds of the young.
To grow a plant, we must water the root
To build a house, we must strengthen the base
To create a better nation, we must educate the little minds!
The recent Supreme Court verdict for private schools on the implementation of 25% seats for EWS(Economically Weaker Sections) of the society was a welcome move even though it carried with itself a 'better late than never!' tag. This was an impending need for millions of children in our country crying for a better education system in order to be at par with the minority of 'over-privileged' children studying in so called 'Branded Schools'.
A land where IIT's, IIM's, AIIMS and end number of Engineering, Medical and Management private and public institutes are funded and promoted by the bigwigs and the political leaders of our country whereas small primary schools and Anganwadi's situated in suburbs, villages and slums are neglected and alienated. Most of these schools have been struggling to survive with the help of NGO's and some volunteering Samaritans.
Every year the national budget allocates grants and plans for these institutions but most of it never reaches them. It gets usurped by the 'blood sucking succubuses' in our system. I have heard and witnessed public employees misusing funds provided by the state. I had a friend, the mother of whom happened to be a teacher at a government school. She used to carry home 'atta' and 'dal' (wheat and pulses) which infact was provided by the government under the 'mid-day meal' scheme for poor schoolkids. The infringement of National Food Scheme under the Public Distribution System for providing subsidized food for EWS and Below Poverty Line families was another instance of the Nation's failure in controlling poverty. Also, equally gory examples of Red Tapism, Nepotism, Bribery and Corruption as a whole are the imprints that we are planting on the future of our country.
"Recent survey claimed that over 500 million children below the age of five are malnourished in our country!"
'What will you expect from impoverished, underprivileged and malnourished children of our country?'
To become a frustrated culpable youth when they grow up!?!
'Corruption and other ill factors hampering our growth cannot be eradicated in a single day or one movement'
It requires consistent endeavors and efforts to promote values and the light of proper education in the minds of the young.
To grow a plant, we must water the root
To build a house, we must strengthen the base
To create a better nation, we must educate the little minds!

Friday, 4 May 2012
Dear friends
Before i raise my concerns regarding the youth of Punjab, i would like to present myself as a Punjabi in spite of connection with south because of my south Indian parents. I was born in Chandigarh and had my upbringing, academics and career in the north. All my friends are from north and most are Punjabis and i feel proud to have been brought up on the soil of this great land.
Now the point which has been gushing on the back of my head for quite some time is the adverse effect of modernization on Punjab youth. I have had friends from all states and most of them have benefited from rapid globalization and modern outlook commensurately with the growth of sites like facebook, twitter ; western-wear like Tommy, Gant, Fcuk, Ck ; food chains like KFC, Mc Donalds, Pizza Hut ; gadgets like Blackberry, I-pad etc. The rise of Healthcare, IT, Retail, Insurance and Banking in private sectors have led to an increase in employment, high disposable incomes and subsequent improvement in standards of life. The social networking sites, search engines like Google and educational sites like Wikipedia have broadened the horizons of education and social interaction which even a decade ago was limited to classrooms, books and constricted to a corresponding locality or region.
The big question arises on whether the youth of Punjab have benefited from these changes or not?
Recently, some Punjabi youths in two different cases were in the news for creating ruckus on road with their swanky BMW's. Also, there were reports of eve-teasing by the miscreants. Misbehaving with girls is a common sight in the discotheques of Chandigarh. I do not mean that guys from other states do not involve in these acts, but what bothers me is the fact that Punjabi youths have affluent family backgrounds than youths of any other state in this country. Those committing crimes were from rich families. Also, a matter of concern is the attitude of their parents who gift them flashy cars, expensive gadgets, branded apparels and accessories instead of giving them better education and making them responsible human beings, they throw them into a materialistic rat race. Their ignorance to the harsh realities of life is the reason behind scores of youths facing unemployment and vulnerability in the western countries they migrate to. This has also led to the flourishing of drugs peddling in the state.
Not just guys, the same applies to Punjabi girls as well. The womenfolk of Punjabwere known for their beauty and valor, who stood by their husbands in troubled times. The girls were known for their innocence, femininity and talents like 'Giddha'. Now look at what modernization has done to them! Hours of endless chatting on phone, texting on whatsapp like chat applications, using facebook to search flamboyant boys and uploading their pics just to showoff their branded clothes or trying to scoop as many boys as they could. They spend most of their time daydreaming about marrying an NRI or who inherits vast land and property or both. Ask them about the latest trends in fashion and you will get answers in split seconds but most of them will not even have an idea of who our current President is. They will also fall blank if asked about the culture and history their own state.
Are they the future of Punjab? Are drunken brawls, road rages, crimes against women, political squabbles, drug abuse the order of the day?
It is the social and collective responsibility of media and families of Punjab youths to guide and direct them towards a better future. Also, Punjabi socialites and artists especially popular Punjabi singers must initiate to raise social issues.
'Yo-Yo is good but proving an ideal to both youngsters and society is better'
Before i raise my concerns regarding the youth of Punjab, i would like to present myself as a Punjabi in spite of connection with south because of my south Indian parents. I was born in Chandigarh and had my upbringing, academics and career in the north. All my friends are from north and most are Punjabis and i feel proud to have been brought up on the soil of this great land.
Now the point which has been gushing on the back of my head for quite some time is the adverse effect of modernization on Punjab youth. I have had friends from all states and most of them have benefited from rapid globalization and modern outlook commensurately with the growth of sites like facebook, twitter ; western-wear like Tommy, Gant, Fcuk, Ck ; food chains like KFC, Mc Donalds, Pizza Hut ; gadgets like Blackberry, I-pad etc. The rise of Healthcare, IT, Retail, Insurance and Banking in private sectors have led to an increase in employment, high disposable incomes and subsequent improvement in standards of life. The social networking sites, search engines like Google and educational sites like Wikipedia have broadened the horizons of education and social interaction which even a decade ago was limited to classrooms, books and constricted to a corresponding locality or region.
The big question arises on whether the youth of Punjab have benefited from these changes or not?
Recently, some Punjabi youths in two different cases were in the news for creating ruckus on road with their swanky BMW's. Also, there were reports of eve-teasing by the miscreants. Misbehaving with girls is a common sight in the discotheques of Chandigarh. I do not mean that guys from other states do not involve in these acts, but what bothers me is the fact that Punjabi youths have affluent family backgrounds than youths of any other state in this country. Those committing crimes were from rich families. Also, a matter of concern is the attitude of their parents who gift them flashy cars, expensive gadgets, branded apparels and accessories instead of giving them better education and making them responsible human beings, they throw them into a materialistic rat race. Their ignorance to the harsh realities of life is the reason behind scores of youths facing unemployment and vulnerability in the western countries they migrate to. This has also led to the flourishing of drugs peddling in the state.
Not just guys, the same applies to Punjabi girls as well. The womenfolk of Punjabwere known for their beauty and valor, who stood by their husbands in troubled times. The girls were known for their innocence, femininity and talents like 'Giddha'. Now look at what modernization has done to them! Hours of endless chatting on phone, texting on whatsapp like chat applications, using facebook to search flamboyant boys and uploading their pics just to showoff their branded clothes or trying to scoop as many boys as they could. They spend most of their time daydreaming about marrying an NRI or who inherits vast land and property or both. Ask them about the latest trends in fashion and you will get answers in split seconds but most of them will not even have an idea of who our current President is. They will also fall blank if asked about the culture and history their own state.
Are they the future of Punjab? Are drunken brawls, road rages, crimes against women, political squabbles, drug abuse the order of the day?
It is the social and collective responsibility of media and families of Punjab youths to guide and direct them towards a better future. Also, Punjabi socialites and artists especially popular Punjabi singers must initiate to raise social issues.
'Yo-Yo is good but proving an ideal to both youngsters and society is better'

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